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Dear Oscar

Dear Oscar on your 5th Birthday,

If i could go back to today 5 years ago i would change everything i could just for you. I would make sure life started as it should of done. I would give you the childhood you deserve but been so wrongly deprived of.

For myself i wouldn't change a thing. You've taught me more than you could ever imagine. I've been shown love like never before, I've learnt how cruel and merciful life can be. You've inspire me and everyone you meet. I am often told you get the child you deserve and the child gets the parents they need. I am so glad i got you Oscar & I will love you forever!

Today i could cry a river looking back at the day you came into the world, thinking how close you were to slipping away from us. I'm not going to though i'm going to celebrate that we are both here today to celebrate your 5th Birthday. I'm going to celebrate that we get to spend the rest of our lives together and make amazing memories that no on can ever take away from us.

You are the happiest, brightest, intelligent boy i know. You make us laugh so much & never fail to surprise us.

I can't change the past for you Oscar but i can mold your future and i promise you that i will do everything in my powers to give you everything you deserve and a lot more.

Happy 5th Birthday Beautiful Boy.

I love you lots



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